It must have been in January. I was walking, with Sean in the stroller, home from a walk. I remember the place because it is right in front of Sadie's friends home. I was looking ahead of me, at the sidewalk, and I noticed something on the ground. Hmmm...when I got closer I thought, oh look, a bobby pin on the sidewalk. I walked on and left it on the ground.
A week later I was on that side of the street again and wondering if the bobby pin was still there, I kind of looked for it. Yes! That little thing was still there! Hmmm...I walked past it. You know, after I walked past it, I got to thinking about that little bobby pin. I started reflecting on our move and experience here in Castle Rock, Co.
I expected there would be times of loneliness after a move. After the busy stage of getting everything unpacked, settling the kids into their routine, finding your way around the town and getting used to all the newness. Even though I had expected it, doesn't mean I was prepared to handle it.
It was difficult there for a while. I have tried really hard to stay close to my Spiritual Strength lately. I do that by reading my scriptures and church magazines and praying. But I have also tried to do my own type of meditation. I don't always have time to sit and ponder for a long time, so I try to do it when I am doing other things. Like walking or running or mindless jobs, like filling the dishwasher or folding clothes.
At some point, a small idea came into my thoughts. Look for those other people who may be new or feeling left out and serve them. It became stronger and stronger. So when ever someone needed a meal, through our church, I volunteered. I started a playgroup. The young moms of our ward would all get together and chat while our children played. It helped a lot! And I know it is the right direction.
So when I saw the bobby pin, twice, I thought...This bobby pin is like me. I have felt left on the sidewalk more than couple of times since being here. I thought I was useful! I thought I was important! I can do a lot of different things! I can be helpful...But still I have felt left on the sidewalk.
Twice I saw that bobby pin and twice I left it on the ground. Was the bobby pin still there to teach me a lesson? Others can feel like that bobby pin, too. Have I walked by that bobby pin, when I should have stopped? Have I been too wrapped up in the things around me to not notice the bobby pin?
I have thought of that bobby pin many times...almost every time I walk down that sidewalk to go on a walk or a run. Is it gone? We have had a lot of snow and I am sure that things has been scraped off and tossed who knows where.
Today I was walking back from taking the kids to school. I wondered if there is any way the bobby pin could be there. No....too much snow....But yes!!! It was there! So you know what I did...I picked it up. I am not going to pass by again and wonder if someone else will pick it up. It was placed before me, I noticed it and I should do something about it. story of the bobby pin. It is taped to my wall to remind me. Take what you would like from this story. Or not. It is always our choice.