Monday, June 16, 2014


Sadie Lynn turned 8. 
We had a nice family party on her Birthday. 
Eight years old is an important Birthday.  It is a time when they can be baptized into the 
Sadie has been looking forward to this day for a little while.  Not just because of the beautiful white dress she has, but because she loves her Heavenly Father and Jesus.  
Her prayers are very sincere and she really 
is grateful for the beautiful world we have been given 
and she really wants to be like Jesus.

Her baptism day was amazing! She told the Bishop that she feels like her purpose on earth is to spread Joy to everyone around her.
If you have spent much time around her, you may notice that she gives lots of hugs and with share a flower from our garden whenever she can, draws a picture for you or wants to give you something before you leave. 
She loves her friends like they are family and she loves her cousins like they are her brothers and sisters.
She beamed the whole day and greeted everyone who came to her baptism with a hug!
Keno and I have always felt that having a daughter is a gift. 

She adds a special dynamic to our family and we are blessed with Sadie's: artwork, drama, laughter, smiles, hugs, simpleness, creativeness, love, pink, purple, horses, stuffed animals, bike rides, little boxes, bling, climbing trees, and the monkey bars.

We love you, Sadie, and are proud of who you are and all you do!!

Art Show

Maple Valley Days
Every year in June on the second weekend of the month, the City of Maple Valley has a fun community event. It begins with a parade and then the area around Lake Wilderness is opened up for fun rides, booths, and some community sponsored events.

They also hold a community art show. There is an area for the local elementary schools, high school and an adults showing as well.

'Alaskan Trail' and 'Colorado Aspen'
So...I entered my first show! Three pieces. The two together: Alaskan Trail (on the left) and Colorado Aspen (the right) and my Sun Flower.  The two on the top made it into the Juried part of the show.  That means that a judge looks at them and if they meet her standards then they are judged against all the other entries.  "Sun Flower" did not make it but was in the "Salon" or non-juried show. {I am learning so much...}

Sun Flower
I did not receive an award from the judge.  However, they do a people's choice award. When you vote for a piece you like, you also give a small monetary donation to be awarded to the winner. So Saturday afternoon, Maile, Amy, Bonnie, Mom, Leslie, and Cathy and I visited the show.  Without any persuasion from me, they all voted for my Alaskan trail painting.  So yes, I won the people choice award--tied with another artist--and won $16.50.  It was a nice compliment...even if many of the votes came from my own family.  

Thank you, you lovely bunch of ladies, for supporting my love of color through painting!!